Workshop on Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LATA), ACM SIGMETRICS/ IFIP Performance 2024:
This workshop aims to provide a platform for discussing recent results, as well as emerging directions in the rapidly-advancing field of learning-augmented algorithms, also known as algorithms with predictions. We solicit two types of posters: posters presenting new ideas, works in progress, ongoing research directions, and preliminary results; and posters describing recently published papers on related topics.

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: May 3, 2024 AoE
Notification of poster acceptance: May 10, 2024

Submission Requirements and Guidelines:
Submissions should consist of a 2-page abstract (not including references) using the ACM small template format. The submission should include the names and affiliations of the contributors, a title, a brief abstract, and a summary of the contributions. Submissions must be in PDF format. If there is any question, please contact Bo Sun (

Welcome to the 2nd Workshop on Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LATA 2024) submissions site. For general conference information, see


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.